Tests tipology

Different Types of Screening Test

HCV screening is carried out through the IVD immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies specific to HCV in human serum, whole blood obtained by finger puncture.

HIV screening is performed using the DetermineTM HIV ultra qualitative immunoassay in vitro visual reading assay for the simultaneous detection of HIV-1 free non-immune complex p24 (Ag) antigens and anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV antibodies (Ab) -2 in serum, plasma or whole blood samples obtained by fingertip capillary.

Covid-19 screening is performed through the Panbio COVID-19 AG RAPID TEST 25T test and rapid in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of SARSCoV-2 (Ag) antigen in human swab samples

step execution

Counselling and SCREENING tests will be carried out on a one-to-one basis within a thirty-minute slot.

Following the performance of the test, the surfaces used will be sanitised by the nursing staff from time to time.


HCV, HIV and Covid-19 screening tests will always be carried out anonymously and confidentially in a dedicated space in the UDS premises or in the mobile unit around the city.


Once the test has been performed, counselling will be carried out while waiting for the result.


At the end of the counselling, the counsellor will inform the user about the results of the tests.
In case of reactive results the link to care procedure will be started.


In case of reactive results


In case of reactivity to the Covid-19 rapid test, a report will be made to the covid-vulnerable task force service.
covid-vulnerable task force, which will take charge of the person.


In case of reactive outcome, the person will be accompanied to the rapid pathway by the Sant’Orsola Malpighi Hospital of Bologna.


In the case of reactive outcomes from HIV virus the service will operate to ensure the link to care fast track at the hospital. Support counseling and on therapeutic adherence. Support to bureaucratic procedures such as obtaining exemption for pathology. Support in the management and conservation of drugs in reference to homeless people.


In order to make it possible to carry out the actions foreseen in the project,
the following preventive hygiene recommendations are scrupulously observed:


Wash your hands often
several times a day


Staying informed about the spread of the pandemic from official sources


Avoiding hugs
and handshakes


Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory diseases


Maintaining an interpersonal distance of at least one metre

Respiratory hygiene

Sneezing and/or coughing into a handkerchief or elbow crease, avoiding hand contact with respiratory secretions


In order to make it possible to carry out the actions foreseen in the project,
the following preventive hygiene recommendations are scrupulously observed:


Lavarsi spesso le mani
più volte al giorno


Restare informati sulla diffusione della pandemia da fonti ufficiali


Evitare abbracci
e strette di mano


Evitare il contatto ravvicinato con persone che soffrono di affezioni respiratorie acute


Mantenimento, di una distanza interpersonale di almeno un metro

Igiene respiratoria

Starnutire e/o tossire in un fazzoletto o nella piega del gomito evitando il contatto delle mani con le secrezioni respiratorie